2 cups Lardons
3 eggs
3 tbsp crème fraîche
3 cups Gruyère cheese, grated
Shortcrust pastry made with grated Parmesan and chopped thyme leaves
- Heat oil in a frying pan
- Add the lardons
- Cook till starting to brown
- Break the eggs into a large bowl
- Gently beat the eggs
- Gently fold the crème fraîche into the beaten egg, avoiding mixing in too much air
- Gently mix in 2 cups of the grated Gruyère and the lardons
- Butter the base and sides of a quiche tin/dish
- Dust the buttered tin with flour
- Roll the pastry thinly
- Line the quiche tin with pastry and trim the top flush with the tin sides
- Pour in some of the mixture, but do not overfill
- Top with the remaining grated gruyère cheese
- Place in the oven pre-hearted to medium-hot for about 15 minutes or until the top is golden